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Durmålstinden: from Kattfjordeidet (normal route)

Start on the east side of the bridge on the road down from Kattfjordeidet to Kattfjorden. Head south up Torkeldalen. If there is little or no snow one should keep east of the river to avoid the marshland. There is a path here on the western side of the valley.

Once at the plateau about 300masl turn west up the ridge. Both ridges (norhtern and southern) towards the summit from 500masl are possible routes.

  • Difficulty: S3 - Medium (<35°)
  • Danger/Exposure: UNKNOWN
  • Time: 06:00 hours
  • Total climb: 820 m
  • Total elevation drop: 820 m
  • Highest altitude: 921 m
  • Lowest altitude: 100 m
  • Extra gear: None
  • Lift access: No



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