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Hakuba Avalanche-slope
Easy access, with possible avalanche danger but a good wide slope for skiing. Small ridges on the open area adds some fun to the ride.
From the transport slope, make your way past the avalanche signs out onto the large open area. There are several routes down, either stay in the middle right and head for the transport slope directly accross on the other side of the valley (this is the route marked on the map). There is also an option to go more to skiers left, you get a bit longer skiing with some nice wooded areas. Pass over the valley before the damm and then traverse east to get back to the slopes to get back to the slopes.
Created by:
Robert Johansson
Difficulty: S3 - Medium (<35°)
Danger/Exposure: E1 - Low
Time: 00:30 hours
Total climb: 0 m
Total elevation drop: 296 m
Length: 1.01 km
Highest altitude: 1492 m
Lowest altitude: 1196 m
Slope facing: E
Extra gear: None
Lift access: Yes
The run seen from the other side of the valley.
Public runs
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Negative slope values means the track is heading uphill.