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Pointe de la Masse: Les Yvoses

This route is a classic vast route. Once past Teurre, an immense area of wilderness skiing is offered to you.

From Ménuires, go to the summit of the Lac Noir chair lift in the Le Masse ski area. You can reach this point via the La Masse summit by following the Crêtes red piste. From the chair lift, go up slightly, (10 meters) to pass under rocks to the north, then descend the Bache pass at 2529 meters. Continue in the dale to the north towards Teurre traversing without descending too much and remaining on the left side of the dale. When you arrive at the second pass, continue north to pass behind Teurre.

You can ski everywhere on the beautiful scoop while remaining under the north face of the Teurre to benefit from the best snow. Descend towards the chalets at spot elevation 2021 on the map on the right bank of the stream. Continue staying on the right bank of the stream to reach other chalets around 1650 meters. You reach the croup which makes it possible to go between the trees at the bottom of the Bettex chair lift via a bridge over the river. From the summit of the Bettex chair lift, it is easy to return to Ménuires via the Preyerand blue piste and Tortollet chair lift.

Variants: It is possible to remain in front of the Teurre to the southeast to reach the Enverses piste or bottom of the Rocher Noir chair lift  by passing Tortollet chalet at spot elevation 1854 meters. Behind the Teurre, the entire slope is skiable by traversing to the side until the Yvoses chalets at spot elevation 2121 meters.

  • Difficulty: S1 - Very Easy
  • Danger/Exposure: UNKNOWN
  • Time: 06:00 hours
  • Total climb: 1 m
  • Total elevation drop: 1 m
  • Highest altitude: 2804 m
  • Lowest altitude: 2600 m
  • Extra gear: None
  • Lift access: No



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