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Skårasalen: SW face - from Kvistadsætra

If the road is open it is possible to drive all the way up to Kvistadsætra at 466m. If not you have to ski the road up the Kvistad valley. The road is otherwise a toll road and driving here costs 30 NOK.

From the end of the road take north and walk up on the east side of Blåhornet. Continue up to the top of the ridge and follow this to the summit.

The descent can be varied quite a lot. Going down on both sides of Blåhornet is possible. West side is somewhat steeper. There are also skiable colloires from the summit. Anohter possibility is skiing down the northern side of Skårasalen to Skår. Skår is roadless, but accesible by ferry. The ferry needs to be notified ahead and some logistics is needed to get from Sæbø to Kvistad if this option is chosen.

  • Difficulty: S3 - Medium (<35°)
  • Danger/Exposure: UNKNOWN
  • Time: 06:00 hours
  • Total climb: 1100 m
  • Total elevation drop: 1100 m
  • Highest altitude: 1542 m
  • Lowest altitude: 450 m
  • Extra gear: None
  • Lift access: No



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